The Urbandale Public Library offers library visits and programs to schools, day care centers, and other organizations in Urbandale and surrounding areas. The library provides outreach to all ages within our resources. Our Youth Services department may be able to provide activities including story times, crafts, or behind-the-scenes tours if given advance notice. Likewise, our Adult Programming can accommodate programs from book talks to app/database demonstrations. Depending upon the request, the library can provide these resources on-site or off-site. 

To schedule a library visit or a visit by a librarian to your facility, please review the guidelines before filling out the request form.  We will contact you by email or phone to respond to your request. Thank you for your interest in the Urbandale Public Library!  

Library Visit Guidelines for Outreach Requests 

  • Library visits are scheduled for day care centers, preschools, public/private schools, scout troops, homeschoolers, and other organizations when library programming permits, weekdays during the school year (September through May). Due to the high volume of programs for the Summer Reading Program, requests for library visits during the summer, (June through August), will be granted at the discretion of the Youth Programming and Outreach Specialist and Programming and Outreach Manager. 
  • The Youth Services Department offers visits on a first come, first served basis. Schools and organizations within the city limits of Urbandale will be given priority but accommodations for contracting cities will be considered.  
  • To be given full consideration, please submit your request at least 6-8 weeks in advance. The library cannot provide programs for drop-in visits. 
  • We ask for at least 24-hour advance notice of groups coming to use the library, even if you do not need any special services. 
  • Please see our policy for unattended children. All library visits must adhere to the library’s policy for children under 10 to be supervised by an adult. Library staff are not responsible for children unattended.   