Loan Periods, Limits, Overdue Fees

Loan Periods

  • Reference materials and newspapers: These items are for in-library use only, they do not circulate.
  • Video games, Playaway Launchpads, mobile hotspots, and fiction Blu-Rays and DVDs – 7 days
  • Overdrive eAudiobooks and eBooks – 14 days
  • Hoopla Videos – 3 days
  • Hoopla Music – 7 days
  • Other materials (books, magazines, puppets, cake pans, STEAM kits, Playaway Views, audiobooks, CD music, Kindles, non-fiction Blu-Rays and DVDs, TV series on DVD) – 21 days

Most items can be renewed twice. Renewal loan periods are the same length as the original loan period. See our Borrowing Materials Policy for more details.

Limits Per Card

  • books, puppets, cake pans, STEAM kits – no limit
  • eAudiobooks, eBooks, Launchpads, and video games – 3 of each
  • hoopla materials – 6 per month
  • magazines, music, audiobooks, DVDs – 50 of each


Library material returns are located in the Library’s lobby and available 24/7 through our drive-up book drop on the north end of the building.

Can’t make it to the Library to return your materials? No problem! You can return materials 24/7 to our off-site book return outside Webster Elementary School (12955 Aurora) on the city’s west side. (Click here for more information about our off-site book return.)

You are responsible for all items until they are checked in.


As the library card holder, you are responsible for returning materials by the due date and for any fees on items checked out on your card. Overdue fees are charged for each day the Library is open. If your fees exceed $14.99, you will not be allowed to borrow any library materials.

For more information about renewing materials, reserving materials, overdue materials, fees, lost items, or damaged materials, please refer to our Borrowing Materials Policy.

Click here for a brief tutorial on managing your library account.

Need to pay a fine or other fees? Fines and other payments may be paid:

  • In-person with a credit card, cash, or check. (Credit card payments incur an additional fee of 3.95%.)
  • Online with a credit card by logging into your account on our website.
  • By phone with a credit card during regular phone hours. (Phone payments will incur an additional fee of 3.95%.)
  • By mail. Please mail a check to:

    Attn: Patron Experience Department
    Urbandale Public Library
    3520 86th St
    Urbandale, IA 50322